The Beauty Of Living In The Moment

By Evan Sanders

Whether you like it or not, the only guarantee in life is that it's all going to change.

Everything in your life is going to change and shift as it wishes to. There's really no controlling it or stopping the process. In fact, as much as we may try to do this, there's no controlling the future either. Sure, we may have some ideas of what we would like to do with our lives, but the rest is really up to the heavens to decide.

What's a bit frustrating about this journey of life for some is that they can't go back to the past and fix it or and they can't go to the future and predict it. This doesn't stop people from trying however. Many people get stuck in the past or the future because they are too busy avoiding really living in the moment. Either way, you are completely stuck when you are not right here.

We must allow life change as it wishes to. We must allow ourselves to let go of the past and stop always concentrating on the future to give us a fair opportunity to live in the present.

The present, actually when it boils down to it, is the only moment in time that we truthfully have control over. And yet, so many people appear to live everywhere and anywhere but in it. Many are stuck in the tar of the past or are making an attempt to swim to the future as quickly as they can - only to find that living in both these places yields absolutely nothing.

So be here and now. Be right here. Start experiencing all that the world has to offer you by living in this moment. This moment is all you have and you are not going to be able to escape to anywhere else. It's time to start really living.

So grab yourself and rip yourself out of the past or the future. Come back to what's here right now.

Live your dream.

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