What Can You Learn From Hugging A Porcupine?

By Evan Sanders

I hate to break it to you...I've never hugged a porcupine.

But in this metaphor, I have.

I think you'll vibe with this one big time.

Relationships can be incredibly complicated.

Friendships, romantic relationships, developing relationships...and pretty much any type of relationship between two people out there in this world. People are messy, life gets incredibly messy, and the fact that we can get along with all of the crazy things going on in our world is an absolute miracle.

Then, when you throw peoples emotions, past events, and egos into the equation as well it gets even more complicated.

But there's something to be said for being there for other people despite the complexities of life. There's something to be said for the person who can be another persons rock even when their entire world is falling apart.

We all need someone to put our back up against when times get tough. The reality is, we actually all really need that person in our life. We need someone to talk to, to express our deepest fears and our greatest wishes, our worries, doubts, fears, insecurities and everything else in between.

But it takes vulnerability.

It takes you being willing to break down your walls and really confiding in another person. It takes trust. It takes you being willing to put your faith in another person being able to take care of you.

The beautiful part of all of this?

You give another person an opportunity to love you just the way you are.

You become imperfectly perfect to them and that is one of the most beautiful things in the world.

We all, deep down, are thirsting for a love that seems to be harder and harder to come by these days.

So when people out there in the world are really hurting, when they are suffering, when they are emotional and in pain and may seem a bit prickly like a porcupine...

Hug those people tight.

Nourish them. Love them. Take care of them. Break down their walls and barriers if they don't have the courage to do it themselves. Stand right in front of them and say, "I love you exactly the way you are...no matter what version that may be right now. I'm right here."

That's the good stuff. That's real love.

That's loving someone just how they are.

That's how we all deserve to be loved.

That's what we all deserve.

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