Reasons For The Utilization Of Grain Bin Monitoring In Farming

By Kenneth Patterson

There has been a growing trend of storing of grains in farms due to the adoption of technologically advanced modes of farming. This phenomenon has led to the increase in production levels over the years. This is usually done in bins which are conveniently located in the farms. This has necessitated the need for grain bin monitoring with the aim of ensuring the quality of material is maintained.

These facilities have been made to allow the careful monitoring of humidity levels and temperatures present. The main reason for this is that grain proves to be very sensitive to temperature and humidity. An imbalance in these levels will ultimately lead to the deterioration of the entire harvest.

With regards to the moisture levels it should be kept at the most suitable levels while giving due consideration to the market needs. For most produce, a moisture content level of between twenty and thirty percent is required. This is especially the case for corn. A majority of the market usually prefers the corn to be dried to levels of around 15.5% of the moisture content. This is especially for that which is being designated for human consumption.

These systems can also derive the Allowable Storage Time which is generated through a careful analysis of temperatures present in the storage containers and also the moisture content. These kinds of data can help ensure safe human and even animal consumption of the produce therein contained.

The perish-ability of grain is normally greatly influenced by the temperatures in which it is stored in. The higher temperatures are largely to blame for the deterioration of this kind of produce. This usually necessitates the need for the carrying out of aeration procedures whenever a particular temperature threshold is attained. Temperatures should always be maintained at between 0 and 5 degrees Celsius whereby 10 degrees Celsius is the maximum acceptable limit.

The temperature should be monitored on a weekly basis and all the portions in these storage containers should be comprehensively checked. One rule of thumb to achieving the most optimum temperature levels is that the monthly average of the temperatures should never be exceeded by five degrees at any given time.

The presence of fine particles in these containers can clog all the holes meant for aeration purpose. This should never be allowed to happen and to prevent this farmers are highly encouraged to make use of a cleaning drum prior to storing the produce. The main agenda in ensuring that grain is well preserved for safe consumption is the provision of adequate aeration as this simple procedure comes in handy in maintaining both the temperature and even humidity levels.

With regards to the safety precautions as a result of the continued rise in this produce storage trend, several recommendations have been made. The power should always be put off prior to entering these bins. A person should also never venture into these facilities unaccompanied. Workplace injuries can also be enhanced by using the most suitable stair designs and materials. There have also been noted that there are several inventions of monitoring systems fitted with sensors which enable the automation of this monitoring process.

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