Getting The Most From A Free Monthly Writing Contest

By Minnie Whitley

A lot of writers find that they need improvements. One way of doing this is with a free monthly writing contest. There are a lot of alternatives, and this will depend on what you are looking for. There are those for journalists, as well as for people who want to express their professional views in their line of work.

If you do your research, you will find that there were many famous writers who were rejected, but they preserved and eventually they came through strong. Usually you will be able to find websites that are focused on writing and this is what they do to promote them. They have a community of writers, which is nice to join in.

It is nice to find other people who are interested in the same thing as what you are doing. You will pick up tips there and you will be able to find advice there as well. Apart from that, it is important to get encouragement and motivation because you can become lonely if you doing this all by yourself. You need to get a push from others from time to time.

There is usually a community of writers that you can ask about various aspects of the articles. You can also ask about things relating to your own writing, such as sentence structure, for example. It is a nice way of picking up a mentor. If you have just got into writing, then it is great to find someone else who has been in this field for a long time.

Getting positive criticism at this stage is important, and this is something that people struggle with. People don't like to be judged, but you need to know where you are going wrong. This is way that you are able to make improvements in your work. You may be writing too many of the same words in a sentence, and you are not aware of. This is the reason your work is being rejected.

However, you can pick up some good advice in a professional writing forum. You may even find that you are getting good points for the way you are writing. There are a lot of people who have taught themselves in this way. It is not necessary to go to university, and it is a way in picking up a mentor. It is always good to have someone like this encouraging you.

Some people don't like their work to be put down. They don't enjoy criticism. However, this is necessary if you want to go a step further in this field. You won't know what you are doing wrong and why you are having your articles rejected all the time. It may be that you are repeating yourself, or something simple. This is where you need a thick skin.

You can find offline contests as well, which you will probably come across in magazines and in newspapers. These are quite nice because they are more specific. You may find something that relates to a certain area that you know a lot about. This may give you more of a chance of being able to win something. You can find food magazine or something to do with children, for example.

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