Fun Dragon Books For Kids

By Enid Hinton

Mythical creatures with spikes, claws and wings that breathe fire have been the subject of much speculation through the ages. They appear in tales told by many different cultures all over the world. These creatures hold a fascination that makes them popular with people of all ages. Dragon books for kids are written in such a way as to be entertaining and humorous rather than frightening but they still have a magical quality about them.

The authors take great license with these mythical creatures although they usually still have claws, wings, scales and fiery breath. They give them many different character traits and they come in all sorts of shapes, sizes and colors. Their unpredictability is exploited in humorous ways. When every day situations and these magical creatures come together, it often results in the kind of humor that children enjoy.

These creatures also go through many things experienced by children. They may be lonely and looking for friends, fearful and cowardly or clumsy and unable to do anything right. They may battle to fly and even set fire to their own wings. They may end up as the pet of a lonely child and go on adventures together.

Many of the stories involve situations in which a child sees things in a different light because they are seen through the eyes of dragons. Perhaps the creature is lonely and needs friends or it may be cowardly and need to face up to its fears. Having one as a pet with its unpredictable behavior can result in many entertaining situations, calling for many problem solving skills.

These dragons live in all sorts of strange places. Many dragons are described as living in caves hidden deep in remote mountains but those in novels written for children are more likely to be found wandering down the street in a town, finding their way into houses and schools. One story even has a dragon presiding over the school library and protecting the books. Their eating habits are very different from the ones who like to eat humans. They often prefer tacos and other treats and a couple of them are even vegetarians.

Reading about dragons is fun for children and encourages a love of reading. They may love these stories so much that they remember them well into adulthood. When a parent reads stories like this to a small child, the child often wants to read these stories on their own once they are old enough. Today there are many novels of this nature more suited to young adults that they can move onto when they are older.

Many people today choose to buy books online as this offers the option of easily comparing prices and reading reviews to find the most suitable options. Lists of best sellers are also available and there are many forums where parents make suggestions about stories their children have enjoyed. The ones that often have the most appeal for children are those that make them laugh.

Children are often most receptive to stories that make them laugh. Fortunately, there are many of these available. Put one of these fantasy creatures into a story where they encounter real life situations and straight away this is a situation ripe for comedy. Children never get tired of reading about them and laughing at their exploits.

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