Teaching Others About Writing A Book

By Thomas Barnes

People all across the land enjoy reading whenever they are taking a long trip on the plane, bus or train. Some of these individuals are even interested in writing a book of their own. In order to make this dream a true reality the new script person has to learn some simple rules about the publishing world. Once these rules are learnt the individual will become more successful in every possible way.

A young lady living within California had made the decision to write about dolls since she had such a massive collection of these unique statues. This smart woman had been a collector for a long time and had over five hundred of these fabulous gems. Her script would tell all about her first Barbie doll which was purchased by her father many years ago.

Some of these dolls were still located within the package and they had not been touched by human hands. This made many of the products very valuable to people who wanted to own their very own statue. She knew that the true collectors would want to read about these items. It was also great that this young lady knew quite a few people working with other entertainers who had written material. They were able to point her in the right direction and make her scripts very successful.

In today's society the rich continue to get richer while poor people will stay stuck at the bottom and this is very true in the entertainment industry. There are so many publishers, producers and directors who refuse to look at any writings if they are not created by famous people. This is quite unfair to the clueless writer who is just starting his/her career.

Nowadays only people like Jane Fonda, Tom Cruise, Carol Burnett and others can get their work completed. It is very important to also come up with great characters if your script is fictional material. Every great writer knows that they have to come up with a good protagonist and antagonist in order to keep the average reader interested.

Villains will play a major role in every story since people love to see them pay for their horrible crimes. Everyone knows that the Queen in the story "Snow White" makes it more interesting. Every new writer will face something called writer's block when they are creating so many chapters for their story.

Making physical notes will stop the writer's block syndrome from happening. All writings should capture the reader's attention from the very start and hold it until the end. After all material is written or typed the new artist needs to find someone to represent him/her within the publishing world. Publishers are able to open many doors for these struggling writers who want to strike gold.

Unfortunately many companies will not even look at a manuscript unless it is submitted by someone working within the entertainment field. Every new artist should also realize that they may not become instant millionaires from getting a script published. Only a few human beings are able to make a career out of this particular task.

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