The Do's & Don'ts Of Wordpress, From Online Marketing Companies

By Robert Sutter

There's no denying the fact that when it comes to the biggest blogging platforms, WordPress ranks highly. Without question, this is one that people tend to use the most, seeing as how it's rather user-friendly compared to others. Online marketing companies can agree, though, that there are right and wrong ways to implement it. For your own benefit, here are a few do's & don'ts that should help you become more proficient at this tool.

DO make use of tags. While tags on WordPress might not exactly result in SEO progress - we'll get to this later on - they are essential for running the best blog imaginable. After all, these will help to keep your posts trackable. You can categorize posts in different ways, whether it's in terms of specific topics, industries, or what have you. In order to get the most out of WordPress as you can, tags must be brought into the mix as well.

DON'T forget to disable unused plug-ins. One of the great things about WordPress is the series of plug-ins that can be used. This doesn't mean that each one should be active, though, which is why you should make it a point to disable the ones you aren't using. By doing so, your website won't have to process as much information, allowing it to run smoother as a result. To say that this will create a better user experience would be an understatement.

DO understand the SEO functionality of WordPress. What you should also know about WordPress is that it can make for strong search engine optimization efforts, too. While the implementation of keywords and hyperlinks alike can make a difference, the same can be said about photos a well. For this reason, online marketing companies will tell you to add these. They can make all of the difference, according to reputable authorities such as

DON'T forget that you can schedule posts. One of the best things about WordPress is that you can actually schedule content for specific days and times. By doing this, you will be able to get certain pieces of content out in timely fashion, which is great for holidays in particular. Make it a point to schedule your posts accordingly, so that you do not miss out on crucial dates. This will only help you benefit from WordPress to greater degrees.

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