How Do I Get A Childrens Book Published

By Cecile Ingram

Writing for children is extremely fun, creative and rewarding. Seeing ideas, characters and stories come to life in living color is energizing and inspiring. While the book may be the next best seller the question for many authors is how to market and publish their work. It can become a daunting and overwhelming process for those not yet familiar with publishing. Many may ask how do I get a childrens book published?

Its extremely important to research the different publishing avenues so authors end up with the best choices, instead of simply being confused by the process. In the past author's choices were limited to publishing houses, who either approved or rejected their work. Then it was on to the next, with the hope of an approval slip and contract offer.

Today the publishing market has changed. This is due mainly to the added reluctance of publishing houses to take chances on unknown authors, along with the rapid pace of change within the electronic publishing industry. Many children's authors have simply decided to publish their own works, using the many opportunities available to them through online book sellers. The Internet now offers access to a mass market of readers.

Self publishing has changed with technical advances in electronic readers. Book sellers often offer their own readers, which allows consumers to electronically purchase, download and instantly read books. With this convenience a mass market of buyers and readers became available to authors. It also created a surge in self publishing and has offered greater self marketing and communication tools.

Reader reviews are a common occurrence when authors publish through online book sellers. Direct communication with readers is now possible, in ways that simply wasn't available to authors in the past. Book signings, and other events were traditional methods, which are still a standard, but online activities and events in author communities and regional areas are becoming more and more common.

With the Internet comes social networking and online groups and clubs. Online booksellers also offer opportunities for authors to connect with readers through their professional author pages. Authors are now able to benefit from constructive criticism, reader opinions and reviews. Reader messages can also be delivered to author cell phones, via online connections. Authors can also establish a professional presence with book release parties, special events and by incorporating the help of other authors.

They can plan marketing campaigns that include sales, special giveaways, contests, trivia questions about their books, or other fun reader activities. Social networking and the Internet also opens doors of opportunity to connect with other industry writers, and offers the ability to network, and share experiences. Some self publishing authors go on to publish their work through traditional publishers and become so successful at self publishing they simply continue this avenue of publishing.

No longer is it necessary to visit every bookstore for selling print books either. Print on demand companies now exist for printing only what the author sells through electronic publishers, and is accomplished online. This allows authors to more personal publishing power. It also offers new children's authors the ability to get their books read by the public without having to ask how do I get a childrens book published.

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