Mankind's Story Is Told In Poems Of Emotion

By Harriett Crosby

A case can be made that emotional stimulus is at the root of all poetry, and poems of emotion are all that there are. Whether the subject is life, physical love, spiritual connection with a deity or another human being, or war, people have always tried to immortalize events in words, both spoken or written.

Some of the earliest poetry is found in the Bible and other religious books. The Song of Moses celebrates God's deliverance at the Red Sea. The song of Solomon is a paean to human love that is full of spiritual symbolism. David and others wrote the Psalms as cries to the Lord, whether pleas for help or hymns of thanksgiving.

Our literary heritage contains epic poems that were first delivered orally and later recorded. Undoubtedly many more existed but have been lost. Scholars are still trying to record ancient oral traditions from scattered races and tribes. The emotional content and people's connection to their past gives these tales great impact and meaning.

Poetry has an impact on those who hear or read it. Most of us know a few lines of poetry even if we are indifferent to it. 'No man is an island' needs no explanation. Neither does 'A rose by any other name...'. Hamlet's famous musing 'To be or not to be' is heard from center stage to the schoolyard everywhere English is spoken.

This is why poetry is part of education. We remember important events that have been made the subject of a famous poem, even if we forget dates and other pertinent data. When our emotions are stirred, we remember that Abraham Lincoln was president during the Civil War or that Paul Revere was an American patriot.

Poetic accounts of great, passionate love resonate with us because we all have our own love stories. New love, enduring love, and lost love are themes that echo down the ages. Although they are not new, poets seem to find a way to bring them into focus over and over in ways that surprise us with their impact and truth. 'How do I love you? Let me count the ways.' These simple words set a tone of intimacy that affects virtually everyone who lets them resonate in their heart and soul. The effect of poetry on us is amazing and undeniable.

In earlier days, people who had any leisure at all had time for poetry. It was a way to pass the time on a sunny afternoon or by the fireside on a long winter's evening. Now people spend those hours at the computer or in front of the television. However, poetry is still being written and can still enrich our lives, if we allow it a part of our time and attention.

Poems of emotion echo our feelings and show us how to understand them. They comfort the sorrowful, speak to the lonely, inspire both young and old, and give tongue to joy and despair. Time spent in reading or writing poetry is never wasted.

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