The Books Of Award Winning Authors

By Marcia Marks

Despite the prevalence of electronic data, reading is still a valuable and popular way to learn. Many people feel that they can actually absorb the material better by reading from a page, rather than a screen. Taking the time to read a works by award winning authors is still a great tradition that many people are only too happy to continue.

Finding a good book to read is certainly not difficult. There are so many excellent writers producing amazing new books every year that even the most avid reader will never run out of titles. It is important not to forget the authors of just a few decades ago. There work was of such high quality it will always remain on the lists of great books and continue to be read in schools and homes all over the country.

One of the best known of contemporary children's writers is Jane Yolen. She bases many of her stories in the harsh beauty of the New England landscape. It is often the landscape that serves as an integral part of the story. Parents and children will love to own a copy of the 1988 Caldecott Medal winning Owl Moon. This heart warming story tells of family, its traditions and roots on a bleak but beautiful farm. The elements of nature are also a great asset of this book.

The Pulitzer Prize is also awarded for fiction literature every year. The winners list includes some world famous American writers including the legendary Ernest Hemingway. Hemingway is much more than just an author, he really is an icon. His personal life was every bit as colorful as his literary work and his books still attract attention today. It was his work titled The Old Man and the Sea that won the prize in 1953. Most of Hemingway's work remains in print today and continues to receive excellent reviews.

The adult authors compete for the Pulitzer prize. The past winners include Dana Priest in 2006 for her work in The Washington Post. She wrote a highly acclaimed report of the governments counter terrorism campaign and exposed many practices that drew criticism from many people. Such ground breaking journalism has helped to put the spot light on many important social and humanitarian issues.

To Kill a Mockingbird is the perfect example of an outstanding work of fiction that won the 1961 Pulitzer Prize. It focuses on the interactions between a small family in the deep south at a time of serious social discord. The bigger theme of the book is racial inequality which was rampant in much of the United States at the time. Generations of children have learned about what life was like for families, both black and white, in the south at that time. Many schools still have the book on the list of required reading.

Social injustice is a huge theme in writing and many of the award winning authors have tackled these difficult subjects. Harper Lee's 1961 winner To Kill a Mockingbird is the perfect example of an outstanding story that brings racial difficulties into the public eye.

Lee wrote the book at a time when tensions were already running high and it helped to rally behind the cause. It is the perfect example of how award winning authors have helped to influence history. No one should ever underestimate the power of literature.

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