When To Approach Self Publishing Companies

By Mayra Pierce

It is frustrating to spend time and energy writing a book that will not get to the shelves. Publishers who choose to do it on their own are sometimes driven by the desire to earn more. Others who are looking for self publishing companies want more control over editing and the final product. It is the desire of every writer to get satisfaction from his work. This is one way to achieve that.

It helps to test the readers or the market before the book is given to agents. You will have an idea of what to expect. It is a way of testing the market to see if it is receptive to your ideas and style. This is also a way of catching the attention of traditional publishers and therefore having more bargaining power.

Hybrid authors engage traditional publishers and at the same time publish on their own. In case you wish to pursue this route, it is important to clear the terms with the publisher. This will keep you out of conflict since you are likely to be operating in the same market.

Self publishing offers writer several options each with its advantages and disadvantages. The main idea is to maintain as much control as possible over your work and most especially the returns. Doing everything without assistance gives you control over creating the manuscript, distributing it and marketing. To be successful in this regard, you will need to know a lot of systems used by publishers as well as industry interfaces. This option requires dedication and time.

There are platforms offering self publishing services. You will have a lot of time and money at your disposal. You also have the advantage of supporting technical skills which raises the quality of your work. Though you have access to design and editorial packages, their level of delivery does not match real professionals since the systems are largely automated.

Some publishers will do the technical work and allow you to take credit. You remain in control of editing and design. This still leaves you with more time and thus more money. Their fees are sometimes inflated especially by charges that are avoidable. The service providers quoted are not verifiable. Their quality is better and will give you more returns.

Going alone does not lock out the option of engaging traditional publishers. It is a perfect way to build your profile in order to attract the attention of popular publishers. It also gives you direct and unbiased feedback on whether the market is ready for your content and style. Publishers will take you seriously when you approach them later.

Writers should be cautious of vanity publishers. These are individuals who praise your work so that they can win the contract to publish. You will pay them a lot of money hoping to get returns. It later turns out that the quality cannot fetch expected returns from the market. This leads to huge losses and disappointment.

Vetting by friends, family members, writing communities and online platforms helps to improve your quality of work. It also is prudent to enlist the help of a professional designer and editor if you choose to work alone. Emphasis should not be on reducing cost at the expense of producing quality work.

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