Some Of The Tactics Lovers Use When They Are Giving Reasons Why I Love You

By Lelia Hall

Man is created in such a way that they will get love those around them. However, it happens that they have to get affectionate to a particular person, with whom they are likely to raise a family in the future. For these reasons, you need be cautious when many voices keep whispering lovely words to your ears. You need to consider various other factors apart from just the reasons why I love you. You must work it to ensure that they mean what their lips pronounce.

Some of the reasons why many marriages are not working well while others are really admirable are what the two partners saw in each other during the proposal stage. You should be careful to ensure that you do not just look at the common features such as visible beauty when looking for a spouse to marry. You should go beyond and look at their virtues that your naked eyes cannot see.

Nonetheless, it will surprise you to note that different spouses fell in deep affection on different motives. Some spouses say that they could not withhold the integrity they saw in their partners before they proposed to them. Many people for sure admire this character because it is a great pillar of a lively family. No one would like to marry a person who has lost integrity in all areas on life.

You may have loved a person because of their commitment to the things you like. This comes by especially when on finds that the other partner is taking with ultimate seriousness the things the other values. Moreover, one may be more affectionate with the other partner due to their undeniable commitment in their relationship. Few people would tolerate relating with people who do not commit themselves in anything.

Another virtue that you need to look out for is honesty. If you want to be loved by the person, look for one who will always be truthful. Some people are usually engaged to partners who are liars and cannot change even if you get married to them. They will be dishonest about most of the issues affecting your relationship. You might live with them for a long time only to realize that they have been lying to you.

There are some other people who get affectionate to persons who are optimistic. Optimism is something most people should have in life and helps them keep moving despite the challenges. When in a union with such a person, they never see defeat and so you can rest assured they will really be a pillar in any given marriage. They are always positive and ready to risk in decision making.

In most cases, women will easily get affectionate to gentlemen. This is simply the men who are calm and gentle, and would never rough them up. Most men fail to attract women because they are hostile in nature. Any small mistake will see them get mad at the woman. Others even get to a point of going physical, something most women can never take.

Finally, you will find some spouses who fell in affection with their partners due to their intelligence and quality source of ideas. Many partners will really appreciate loving people with ability to solve problems quickly and intelligently than those who would just react unreasonably. People with great ideas are also optimistic about bright future that many partners aspire to have.

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