The Significance Of Brochure Printing That Is Eco Friendly

By Lelia Hall

Success has always and will always be the main goal of any business. It does not come on a silver platter. It takes strategy and innovation. One major strategy which is basic and vital is advertisement. Various tools are used as a means of spreading the information on goods and services offered by a company or an institution. One of them has been the use of brochures. But with the ever changing global demands, it has been vital for the advertising companies and agencies to venture into environmental friendly modes of advertisements. This is due to the great environmental concern. Thus the coming up of brochure printing that is eco friendly.

The main objective of this is to improve, protect the environment and also ensuring customer satisfaction by provision of quality service and products. But one may wonder what exactly this form of technology is all about and the role it plays in the improvement and protection of nature and environment.

Eco friendly production entails use of technologies which are not hazardous to the surroundings. Not only in one part of the process but as a whole. This means at the initial stage of acquiring the raw materials down to the end product.

There are a vast amount of technologies that have been innovated to meet the above objective. Waterless printing, use of recycled papers just to mention but a few. Usage of such technologies have been of great advantage to the natural environment and also to the companies practicing this form of advertising system.

A large percentage of companies use printing press that run on toxic chemicals and use over 25,000 gallons of water per month. With the adoption of waterless printing technology you eliminate the production of dampening solutions which in turn result to lack of emission of hazardous volatile organic compounds (VOCs) if using alcohol. Also there are no waste water generated or fountains.

Recycling of paper has been vital in the practicing of greener technologies. The impact paper manufacturing has had on the environment is evident. This has been achieved through the various ways it has impacted right from the source of acquisition of raw materials to waste management.

Recycling of paper also plays a major role in saving trees. Research has shown that recycling one ton of paper saves slightly more than double the tons of wood. With the statistics applied on a global level, recycling half the world paper demand on yearly basis would prevent logging of almost 20 million acres of land covered by forests.

It also reduces landfill usage. Statistically it is shown that recycling a ton of paper do away with 3 cubic meters of waste. Putting into consideration papers there decompose to release methane gas which is among the listed greenhouse gases.

The entities practicing eco-friendly production of brochures gain a lot from the practice. Putting into consideration the current high demand of eco-friendly products and advertisements, it increases their market base for clients. Companies which practice it also say it has aided them in improving the brochures quality and also more effective in meeting their delivery time.

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