Mistakes Made When Writing Childrens Poems About Animals

By Freida Michael

If a person wants to write poetry for kids there are certain things that need to be taken into consideration. They have to make sure that what they write is not too complicated and that it is fun so that the children can understand what they are saying. Here is a look how to write childrens poems about animals that are educational and entertaining at the same time.

An animal poem does not show a very creative and intense imagination. Children have a very active imagination and need to be stimulated in a similar fashion. Even though they are learning about how an animal lives, there has to be situations that seem out of place in order to be interesting, such as a cow doing jumping jacks while making it's normal sound.

A person can also teach a child how to write their own poetry about their favorite pet. They can be taught the basic elements of how to construct a poem and then use what they have been given to talk about how they feel. If a child is going through a rough time, this can be very therapeutic for them, like when they lost a pet dog or cat that they really loved.

Some kids are not exposed to how an animal is treated and how to treat them. This is very important because cruelty to animals is never a good thing and the earlier a child learns this, the better. Poetry can and has been used by many as a way to bring awareness to certain issues, and this is no different when it comes to animals.

The best types of poetry have certain characteristics. Since kids like to have fun, a poem should also have a light-hearted nature when written. A child should be able to laugh when they hear it or read it and feel good doing so. These are the types of poetry that might be considered silly or weird to some adults, but it is great for a child's imagination.

The length of the poem should also be in line with how long a child's attentions span is at any given moment. Poetry that is short and to the point is great for kids because they will not be lost with too many words. It takes skill to be able to write something that is engaging in a few lines where a child can be entertained but at the same time learn a lesson.

The musical quality of poetry is also important. This is known as rhyme and it is one of the most important components of a poem for children. Even if a person has a long poem, they can still hold a child's interest if the lines rhyme. This helps the child to follow along and anticipate what is going to take place in the poem.

These are just some of the mistakes that people can make when they are writing poetry for kids. The best way to learn how to write this type of poetry is to read some of the best poetry you can find. This includes poetry concerning the animal world real or imaginary. This can be a template for writing some of your own, but it is really the kids that will decide if they are really good or not.

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