The Purpose Of Creative Writing Journals To Write In

By Freida Michael

We all know that a diary is used to note down daily events but a journal is used for something a bit different. Its entries express the responses of the person to the events, reflections on what took place and the emotions they experienced. These entries are made on a continuous basis and using creative writing journals to write in is an important way to develop the habit of putting words on paper.

Through the centuries, we often hear about important men and women who kept journals. Sometimes these have even been published at a later date. Many philosophers, writers, presidents and prime ministers would record their thoughts in this way. Today, the practice of journal-keeping is as popular as ever, despite the digital revolution. There is just something about putting pen to paper that we find therapeutic.

One of its most obvious uses is that it helps us to remember, just like a diary. We have a record we can look back on. However, it helps us to recapture the emotions we were experiencing rather than just the events. Sometimes we are unaware of what was really happening to us at the time but when looking back we start to see patterns and gain insights. We can take past experiences we have written about and understand through the lens of time the impact they have had on our lives.

When you first buy a journal, you may find you sit staring at it, not knowing how to begin. Just put one word after another without thinking too much. You will soon find that the words begin to flow. The more you write, the easier and more fluid the process becomes. Like an old well that has been cleaned out, at first the water that comes out is dirty but as it flows, it starts to become clearer.

In our world we are constantly bombarded by input from all directions. Taking pen to paper can help us to clarify our thinking. As we start expressing ourselves on the paper, it is like removing the clutter from our minds. Eventually, enough of the clutter is removed to give new ideas and insights room to flourish.

Many people struggle to recover from grief and loss. It has been proved that writing fears down and expressing emotions in words helps in the healing process. Instead of remaining bottled up inside, they are released onto the paper and this often helps to promote healing.

In our dominant digital environment, thinking on paper has an important place. Just grab that pen and note down problems you want to solve and opportunities you want to explore. There are many creative thinking techniques on the internet that can be used to develop skills.

Document your struggles and your triumphs, exercise your creativity, release your frustrations and fears. You will feel better for it and studies have shown that such a habit can significantly improve your health. Develop the habit of keeping a journal and you will not regret it.

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