Parasites 2: More Questions About Fleas and Ticks

By Julie Brock

Do Varied Parasites Favor Specific Host Animals?

Yes, it is possible to find fleas that favor cats and those who would rather have their meal on canines. Nonetheless, though some fleas do exhibit specified preferences, they aren't normally host-specific. Which is, while in the absence around the favored host, the flea will attack a much less desirable host as an example birds, rats, as well as humans.

Ticks certainly are a great deal far more usually connected with canines but in spots of really hefty infestation, cats could possibly be infested also. Ticks too, will not be reluctant to dining from people when other hosts usually aren't readily accessible or are previously in wonderful demand by other parasites.

Where Can My Pet Pick Up These Parasites?

You'll find quite a few regular approaches to your pet to become infested with fleas and ticks. Animals living in wooded areas, or walked-in fields of tall grass, or close to shrubbery, are probably targets for parasites lying, waiting to leap about the acceptable host.

Often, a completely new pet brought to the family members introduces the parasite issue to other animals in that residence. A visit to a grooming parlor, health care center, boarding kennel, puppy or cat show, or probably a simple check out to a neighbor's residence can spread infestation from animal to animal if rigid preventive hygiene is not practiced.

Furnishings, bedding, rugs, walls and floors can retain parasite eggs to acquire a prolonged period of time and make young fleas and ticks to assault pets newly arrived inside the premises.

Why Are Fleas & Ticks This kind of A Complex Dilemma?

In addition to the purely mechanical irritation produced when a flea jumps from place to place along your dog's body, and the tiny sting when he stops to take a meal, the mouth-parts inside the flea contain saliva to which some unfortunate animals are highly allergic.

This kind of dogs and cats are in constant misery, biting and scratching incessantly, losing hair down their spines and rear legs, creating secondary bacterial infections from self-trauma, breaking the skin even though biting or scratching themselves and allowing bacteria to enter, and occasionally losing enough blood to create a severe anemia.

To make the situation even worse, the flea is the intermediate host for the tapeworm which can infest your pet after he swallows even a single flea. The flea might also be a suitable host for the heartworm.

The tick can create skin problems of his own as the irritation he causes may be the initial stimulus while in the creation while in the moist dermatitis or hot spot. In addition, specified types of ticks (Dermacentor Andersoni) can actually cause paralysis and spread the terrible disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, that affects hundreds of people every year.

If I Live Inside of the City Or In Colder Areas, Will My Pets Be Free Of These Parasites?

Unfortunately, no. You'll find fleas and ticks that have adapted themselves to residing in cold climates as well as in urban environments. In fact, most on the city parasites are the most difficult to get rid of, since they, like the regular housefly or cockroach, have grow to be quite resistant to chemicals used by exterminators.

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