The Many Advantages Of Subscribing To Aspiring Author Blogs

By Jennie Sandoval

There are astonishing numbers of people that think that they have something to say that will be read and enjoyed by other people. Everyone seems to have a story to tell and many others think that there are huge numbers of people that will enjoy their thoughts, insights and advice. Many people simply do not know how or where to start and they may benefit greatly from subscribing to aspiring author blogs.

Previously, the process of getting published was rather brutal. Writers had to submit their work to publishing houses where overworked editors had to make a decision on whether the work will actually sell. It is no wonder to learn that most of the works submitted to publishing houses were rejected out of hand and many writers simply gave up after a few rejections.

The advent of the internet has changed the publishing environment forever. This vast platform allows ambitious writers to publish their own works and to make it available to vast markets. They can choose whether they want to make their works available freely or if they want to charge for it. In addition, writers can use the internet to obtain feedback and to perform research.

Writers have access to a wide variety of websites that cater for their specific needs. Some sites require registration and a few even charge membership fees. It is beneficial to register formally because that allows members to become part of an online community. These sites offer many excellent benefits, not the least of which is the opportunity to interact with other writes and to gain advice.

Among the many other advantages offered by these sites is the fact that members are assisted in getting their work published. This may be in a traditional format or online. Members are also able to improve their own work by obtaining reviews from other members and by reading the work of others. Many sites also offer related services such as graphic design.

It would not be feasible to maintain membership at a host of different sites and it is necessary to narrow the choice. It may help to visit various sites and to determine their focus. Some sites cater for specific writers, such as those writing stories for children, for example. It may be best to make a shortlist of sites that offer the benefits sought and to join a few.

In order to gain maximum benefit of a site it is necessary to become an active and participating member. Those simply wanting to ride the coat tails of other members will soon find out that they are unable to truly benefit from membership. In order to grow as a writer it is necessary to interact and to contribute.

Writing is a lonely profession and many people have given up on their dreams to publish their efforts. Becoming a member of a few aspiring author blogs can change things, however. These sites provide a host of benefits and have served as the vehicle from which many new writers were launched.

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