Best Free Blog Is It Worth It

By Ben Wilson

Best Free Blog, Is It Worth It.

Hope all is well my online friend, before you sign your life away looking for a free blog. I've good some news you need to here. Do you think that there is something weird about having a free blog. Have you wondered about the pros and cons of having a free blog. Let's find out all about what it will be like to have a free blog.

Best Free Blog, The Pros And The Cons.

Not trying to talk about the people who like free blogs, just trying to make those who may not know the side effects aware. There are people who write articles as there job and some people do it for fun. If you are doing this as a hobby than using a free blog is alright to a degree.

When you sign up with a free blog site, you no longer have right to your content. It becomes that company content and the only thing you are allowed to do is post. One good thing I can say about a free blog is you don't have to worry about all of the technical stuff like getting back-links, ranking on Google, making your page look nice and the list goes on.

Doing this as a hobby has it's down fall also. What if you have a lot of supporters that comes on this free blog and for some strange reason your account has been shut down. Another thing, what if you decided you no longer wanted that account with that free blog site. Sorry to tell you all of those long hours and effort you have put into writing was a waste of time because those blog post belongs to that company.

You have no rights to take your content or your viewers. Where would they be able to find you. Food for thought before you start looking for a free blogging site.

Best Free Blog-Vs-Best Paid Blog.

You want unique traffic, then a payed blog is what you need to get. Your content is under your supervision. With a free blog you are very restrained on what you can and cannot do. A paid blog site you are unrestricted and can do just about anything. This includes images, pics, articles and videos.

If you want that steadily flow of traffic to your payed website or free blog, please provide valuable, entertaining and fun content. Articles are approved with a click of a button when you pay for a paid blog. Google and other search engines will also start to rank your webpage quicker.

Especially if you are trying to market a business or a product. You must have your own blog site. This is the most quickest way for you and your content to be found. You do this to attract more people back to your paid site.

Remember don't give out your valuable content to a third party for free. What are you really worth. Paying for a blog is very inexpensive. Main thing you need is your domain name, this is for your site, someone to host your website and email marketing to keep marketing to prospects. Free blogs are good to use if you want to just past time or creating a bridge to get more people to your direct webpage.

So with that been said just be careful when looking for free stuff. They say the best things in life are free, that is true to a certain measure.

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