Domestic Abuse Is No Laughing Matter

By Teri Farley

There are many cases of domestic abuse reported each year in the United States and around the world. People rarely talk about this subject since it can sometimes be embarrassing for someone to be beaten by a person that they truly love and adore.

People who are in very loving healthy relationships should consider themselves to be extremely lucky. Even though there are quite a few lucky people in the world some individuals live in fear each and everyday of their lives. Crimes against women and homosexual males are on the rise and there seems to be no end to this bad dream.

Studies have shown that ladies who face this type of violence were sometimes raised in a household that was quite disturbing. The women watched their own mothers being hit and attacked by very powerful men who usually provided all of the financial support within the home.

These young girls would then grow up to become women who looked for men who were a reflection of their own father. They also felt that no other males would love them except for the ones who displayed violent behavior. This will usually become a vicious cycle since their daughters will end up with the same type of male.

Females will often remain with an ill tempered man because he is the only one paying all of the bills. They will usually stay at home and raise a ton of children. In order to keep financial control in this very twisted relationship the men will try to keep their wives pregnant every other year.

It is very comical to think that a big strong man would be afraid of his very small wife. Sometimes women who have psychological problems will beat up their husbands from time to time. Women have been known to batter males with their high heeled shoes when provoked. These are rare cases and are never really spoken about in public.

The men who are involved in these incidents almost never report this crime to anyone since it makes him look very weak. They would prefer to keep this very awkward secret within the household and hidden from the rest of the world. There are less crimes reported involving lesbian couples. Usually lesbians seem to have the most stable relationships on the planet so far. This particular group rarely try to harm one another and their partnerships last longer. On the other side of this coin weaker homosexual men may also become involved with a more macho type of man who will physically harm them after sexual encounters.

When these cases of domestic abuse appear on the news you can be sure that the more effeminate male was the victim. They will usually become involved with a male who sleeps with women but are still attracted to gay men. After the sex act has happened these very macho men will attack the weaker man in a physical manner.

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