Knowing Exactly What Is Beyond Terror

By Michelle Howe

There are many things that are beyond terror in this world. Anyone can plainly see that bad things are happening everyday and sometimes these events get way out of control. Some time ago there was a book written which dealt with many bad situations on this planet. It noted that in many countries there are suicide bombers who make life a living hell for the average citizen who is just trying to get on with their day. To make matters even worse people living in these places were being raped and tortured on a daily basis. In other parts of the world food was very scarce and finding a place to live was very difficult for the poor.

Everyone knows that the weather has been acting very unusual lately. The world seems to have more cold weather during the months of April, May and June which can be very damaging in most parts of the world. Sometimes these strange weather conditions happen because of the satellites that are being constantly sent into outer space. This may play a major part in why the summer months are not as hot as they used to be and the winter seems to be extremely warm at times.

Getting enough to eat may not be a problem for someone living in certain places and this is truly a blessing. Someone who is living in Hatti may not have a very full belly since there are so many food shortages in this place. The people here are suffering from many types of diseases and they are getting sicker by the day.

Some countries have also had to deal with natural disasters that have taken many lives. A major tsunami struck Japan a few years ago while the state of California has had many problems with earthquakes and fires. Psychics still predict that this state will one day become a part of the ocean when a massive earthquake takes it completely out.

The U. S. Is not providing adequate housing for its citizens and this makes for some very bad situations. Individuals were doing quite well in this place twenty years ago but those days are now gone. Mortgages have become extremely high which can cause great pain in someones wallet.

Many individuals are also facing a life of being homeless once they lose their house. In larger cities such as New York a person cannot walk down the block without stepping over someone sleeping on the street. These homeless individuals were once very important people in society before losing everything.

Babies are born to teenagers each day throughout the world and this is no laughing matter. This certain situation is very shocking to many average hard working individuals who believe in traditional values. The young mothers are usually not educated since they had to leave school and more than likely they will receive welfare.

The biggest issue that is beyond terror is of course terrorism itself. It has been almost twelve years since 911 happened and people are still terrified of this particular event. Unfortunately there will be more acts of terrorism in this world if nations cannot relate to each other in peace.

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