If You Are Dealing With Osteogenesis Imperfecta

By Marjorie Vargas

The skeletal system is responsible for giving the body shape, keeping it upright, and protecting important organs. There are diseases that could keep the bones from doing their supposed function. One of them is osteogenesis imperfecta or OI. An osteogenesis imperfecta book will tell you that this is a disease where in a person is suffering from having very weak and brittle bones.

Also known as brittle bone disease, OI is a condition that is congenital in nature. People with OI have a problem with a certain kind of collagen causing brittleness and also bone problems. To treat those with this condition, doctors would focus on treating fractured bones, weight management, diet, supplements, and exercises that are safe and good for the muscles. Others result to surgical intervention.

The prognosis for those with brittle bone disease is good especially when it is still in its mild state. Those with OI can still have a normal life expectancy provided that they manage their condition very well. Just like any other disease, the sooner the disease will be diagnosed the better the prognosis will be.

Unfortunately, everything cannot be solved by just diagnosing and giving any treatment. Patients and the people they love still have so many things to deal with. When you have something like OI, life can be quite difficult for you. Aside from the treatment, something should be done so everyone involved can cope.

There are many things a patient, his friends, and his family can do for effective coping. These days, there are already support groups patients can join so they can have the chance to talk with fellow patients as well. Talking to healthcare providers can also help. Reading related journals, articles, and books will also help.

One of the reasons why it would help for someone to do the things mentioned above is that this helps them understand the situation more. Talking to specialists can educate them about the disease. Reading books and joining groups is one way that you can look into the experiences of those that share your condition.

When you know understand the disease process, what to expect, and other things about the condition, you will have more control on the situation. The disease will not be able to stop you from leading a normal life. It is very important for one to educate himself so he will not let anxieties, fears, and misconceptions get the better of him.

Sharing your experiences with others is one way for you to effectively cope with the situation. It helps that you will have an outlet in which you can vent all of your fears and other negative emotions. It will also help make you feel better to know that you are not alone.

Doing things like reading an osteogenesis imperfecta book can be very helpful. Even though one is stuck with this disease, this should not stop his from living his life. There are still so many things that one can do and conquer even with OI. The key is to live each day as positively as possible.

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