Why Are New Age Philosophies So Broad?

By Odessa Edwards

It can seem like there are so many disparate theories and practices associated with new age philosophies that it is difficult to gain an understanding of exactly what they are. Are there some themes which are applicable to these ideas?

Literally speaking new age refers to the Age of Aquarius. This came about in the sixties and seventies as the hippie movement and flower power was associated with the concept of the changing astrological ages. It was thought that as the astrological age changed a new era of love and understanding could begin. Since then the term has broadened out and is applied to many things. There are several schools of thought which are extremely popular among new age believers.

Many disparate fields can be included within the term new age such as metaphysics, religion, mysticism, psychology, health and self-help. The majority of theories incorporate both western religions with eastern beliefs. It is common to find a people who believe in Christianity and Buddhism at the same time. Often the emphasis is on an individual deciding on their personal definition of God. A focus on meditation and metaphysical science is also popular as this links in with the central tenet of self improvement.

Disciplines such as Reiki and yoga are often associated with new age beliefs. These disciplines stem from the belief in the importance of energy and the possibility of working with energies to increase well being. Reiki is used to encourage the flow of energy through the body thus maintaining both physical and mental health.

There is a lot of focus on the connections between bodily health and mood or mental health. Psychology, meditation and self-help are all incorporated into the philosophies as people try to gain an understanding of how they can bring about positive experiences in their lives. There are no uniform ideas or practices. However in the same way that individuals from their own ideas about God they also choose which parts of these ideas apply to them.

An emphasis on natural living and environmental preservation is common among new age people. Not causing harm to the earth or wasting its precious resources is important. The vibrations of the planet and its inhabitants are thought to be kept higher if everything is in harmony.

There are so many possible parts to new age thought that it has spread across the world as adherents seek out ideas and theories to use in their quest for self improvement. They will take ideas from such different schools of thought as Kabala, Taoism, Shamanism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and many others.

It is difficult to define new age philosophies as they draw from so many different traditions and disciplines. There are however a few general themes which draw together this group of philosophies: a belief in a God which is defined by the individual, spiritual growth, living in harmony with the planet and other people and self improvement. There are so many types of new age philosophy that many diverse thoughts and practices can be considered under this general banner.

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